artwork by Heidi Bosch Romano

Cultivating Peace of Mind

Peace of mind comes when you learn how to live in the present. Focusing too much on the past or future takes your attention away from what's happening right now.

Everyone has made mistakes in the past, but the past no longer exists. If you've learned the lessons from your mistakes, then let go of thinking about them. If not, then realize that if the same situations present themselves, you will be better prepared and will have a new opportunity to do things better next time around.

Worrying about the future is natural, but too much focus on what may or may not happen will not change anything, and may only make you feel anxious. Building a better future will happen more quickly if you focus instead on making plans now and taking positive steps towards reaching your goals.

The present is where your consciousness exists, so instead of fretting over the past or worrying about the future, put your time to good use now. You have the ability to create a beautiful life when you focus on the present.


Meditation is a positive, quiet activity that can bring peace of mind and/or insight into how to handle life's problems.

There are several ways to meditate. One used by beginners is called guided meditation. A guide will have you find a comfortable, quiet spot to meditate usually at the same time each day. He/she may ask you to sit comfortably, to relax your body, area by area, to focus on your breathing, or to repeat a special word or phrase called a mantra (e.g., love, peace, Om, I am). After you are relaxed with a quiet open mind, you can ask a specific question about something you need help with. The goal being to elevate your conciousness to higher, spiritual levels thereby obtaining understanding, love in your heart and peace of mind.

Shutting Down Worry

Sometimes it's hard to stop worrying about negative situations that you currently have to deal with, or about things going on in the world in general. One way to stop this endless loop is to put a positive roadblock in your head. Make a mental list of all the people, situations and things that you are grateful for. Being grateful is one way to take your mind off all things negative very quickly.